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  1. Largest team of livestock and property agents equating to the broadest reach of potential buyers.
  2. Prominent office locations in all of our markets.
  3. Major brand / National Network generates local and national enquiry.
  4. Total coverage through our extensive marketing on the internet through all major sites including the Ray White website.
  5. The ability to negotiate premium prices in today’s market as all our people are trained and assisted in the negotiation process.
  6. Local knowledge and expertise.
  7. Conduct more property auctions than any other regional agency.
  8. Ability to take premium properties to Sydney market via our Sydney Auction Rooms.
  9. Largest market share through CTLX Carcoar.
  10. Majority of our clients are referrals (word of mouth). People refer you when you do the right thing.
  11. By choosing Elders Emms Mooney, you are safeguarding your assets and investing in guaranteed results.
  12. We have an extensive database of buyers.
  13. We tailor all marketing to meet our clients’ needs.
  14. We are the only network to take your property to the international market via our Live Online Auctions.